For whatever reason, I have been extremely fascinated with leaves on snow....this year more than usual, I still have stray leaves falling on top of the snow in my yard. Some of them are frosted over with a neat
textured layer of frosty snow crystals. Some are floating on top with just a sprinkling of snow. Some are partially in the snow, and/or are at odd angles. They make very interesting compositions, especially with the texture of the snow itself, and the different times of day and
quality of light. Some of them are in mini drifts or areas where the snow started melting and then got covered over by new snow...I will share some of these in the days ahead. Here is one of my favorites....actually I like this one because it is one of the more unique ones....one leaf is in front of a snow drift, and the other is partially imbedded in it. The other reason I have been so interested in taking these photos is because I am trying to complete
"Ode To Winter" part two in my Four Seasons Project Series....it's not quite there yet but I will post it as soon as I am happy with it.....
As I have said in my Squidoo Lens
ZoomIn Don't forget to zoom in on the small bits of beauty that is all around us. Even in winter when it is freezing cold, just dress extra warm and brave the cold...even if it is only for 20 minutes....you might just find a treasure to capture and make